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Falaknuma To Lingampally MMTS Train Timings

Find MMTS train timings here...

Hyderabad Multi-Modal Transport System known as MMTS is a suburban rail system in Hyderabad, India. It is a joint partnership of Government of Telangana (then Government of United Andhra Pradesh) and the South Central Railway, and is operated by South Central Railways. The phase I was thrown open to public on 9th August 2003 with three line between Falaknuma to Secunderabad, Hyderabad - Secunderabad and Lingampally to Secunderabad with a total of 44 km. In May 2010, Indian Railways has decided to take up the 107-km Phase-II project of the MMTS at an estimated cost of Rs. 641 crore. The Railway Board has cleared the Phase-II after the state government had agreed to fund two-third cost. The under construction Phase II is scheduled to open in 2018. provides Lingampally To Falaknuma MMTS Train Timings, Lingampally To Falaknuma MMTS Train Route Map for our Valuable Users. Below table will give you the MMTS Train Timings of Lingampally To Falaknuma:

Station/Train No
Jamai Osmania
Arts College
James Street
Sanjeevaiah Park
Nature Cure Hospital
Bharath Nagar
Hi-Tech City
47211 MB
47198 *
47158 *
47160 *
47161 *
04:25:00 05:25:00 05:50:00 06:45:00 07:30:00 07:50:00 08:30:00 09:10:00 09:55:00 10:35:00 10:55:00 11:20:00 11:35:00 12:10:00 13:02:00 13:35:00 14:40:00 15:15:00 16:20:00 17:05:00 17:30:00 18:00:00 18:35:00 19:10:00 19:45:00 20:50:00 21:20:00 21:40:00
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NOTE : * : No service on Sundays
MB : Mathru Bhoomi Special (Ladies Special)
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