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Wonderla Hyderabad is an Authorized Travel Agent for Wonderla Amusement Park

Wonderla Hyderabad

Wonderla is one of the biggest delightful entertainment park in India, Wonderla-Hyderabad Park is located to Nehru Outer Ring Road Exit No. 13, Raviryal, which is 28 kilometres (17 mi) from Hyderabad City, Telangana. Now, Wonderla has 3 branches at 3 locations namely at Kochi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad. Wonder at Cochin was set up in 2000, Wonderla at Hyderabad in April 2016 and also it is intending to open the fourth branch in Mecca at Chennai. Wonderla entertainment mecca offers an assortment of rides for all ages, a portion of their rides are recoil, maverick-scream etc..

The Amusement Park has many attractive adventure activities that include 55 land and water rides, musical fountain, Laser show, and a virtual reality show. Wonderla in Hyderabad Started in April 2016. but this was honestly one of the most amazing experiences of your entire life !!

Amusement park enjoyment! Having fun in the old school way.

Located on Nehru Outer Ring Road Exit No. 13, Raviryal, Hyderabad city, this place is the entire package for all fun activities & you wouldn't believe how greatly relieving this amusement park is. A total stress buster from daily life "of adults", going back to childlessness was incredible.

The entire place was so amazingly decorated & was so completely out of the world where we adults have to function that I was, after a long time, overjoyed & enjoying myself to the fullest! Of course, I couldn't go for all the rides easily since my fear for heights :p, but I tried.

Water Rides in the park. Enjoying water parks in Hyderabad.

The water rides here are simply amazing and extremely fun and safe! I would advise though to carry extra clothing because people are bound to get wet after taking this ride and looking at the weather, it can get chilly! The music around was a great add-on in the atmosphere!

Adrenaline rush! Death grip rides!


These death gripped rides were a nightmare as well as the most exciting adrenaline activity that i had experienced recently. However dangerous it may look, it was just unbelievably thrilling and safe. Although kids were not allowed, it was a famous ride around the place.

Roller coaster ride!!

Now, this was a cheat experiment that I'd done with my phone because the phones and cameras weren't allowed on rides because well, common sense. It was really fun to sit on this roller coaster and I felt so energetic afterwards that I took the ride again and it was so much fun!

Laser lights show! Lights and sound performance.

We stayed on in the park until late in the evening since we had heard that the late night laser show is really amazing here and I didn't want the day to end without seeing something more extraordinary. It was a really good decision.

By the time the night fell, and the sun disappeared into the horizon, the entire place had come alive with more and more people flooding in to see the sound and light shows, and enjoy various performances. It felt so good to be in a place of so much young vigour, colour and joy!

Light and sound stage!Evenings in amusement parks.

The uniqueness of this amusement park is what struck me the most, especially at night after the rides closed for the day, there are a number of activities available not just for kids but for adults and it felt distinctly splendid to be there!

Instructions to follow on rides. A day well spent!

  • This day was one of the days where I let go of my fears of height and all kinds of public embarrassment and simply enjoy myself on rides, in water, eating candy and acting like a child.
  • Remembering the olden days. Getting away from the city.
  • Hyderabad's known for a lot of things and many simply lead to the corporate world. So it was very refreshing to come here and far from all that industrial vibe of the city and just revel in the little joys of life... Just like the childhood days.
  • I didn’t know what to expect out of Wonder La… until I came across the Trell app! It gave a great insight to everything in the amusement park and I knew exactly which rides were the best! It really helped me discover more places!

Need to know facts before visiting

  • Riding operates in a separate charge.
  • Non operational rides due to maintenance issues at any given time will be mentioned on the notice board near the cash counter in the park.
  • As a citizen of India, a valid photo ID is compulsory to enter the park.
  • Outside food and drinks are not allowed in the Amusement Park
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the park premises.

Facilities at Park

  • Stores are available to keep our belongings.
  • Swimwear’s are available to rent/ purchase at the stores near the changing rooms/locker at a nominal cost.
  • In the case of injuries / feels unwell, a first aid kit is available at the park.
  • ATMs are available near the park and entrance of the park.
  • provides separate Dress changing rooms for both jeans and ladies.

Do carry Don’t Carry

for your enjoyment and safety, there is already a dress code in that water park.

If you are visiting the amusement park wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Make sure you don't wear anything like a scarf or drapes and also avoid wearing too much of accessories. Make sure you tie your hair for the rides.

If you are visiting the water park carry bathing suit, a towel, sunscreen, sanitizer, wipes, sun shades, extra pair of clothes, extra waterproof bags to keep your wet clothes, shampoo, conditioner, body shower, comfortable shoes that you can wear in the water as well.

For both, the places carry some cash and camera with a selfie stick to capture the fun. And don't forget to carry water. Have fun!

To carry:

  1. Sunscreen
  2. Shades
  3. Swimming trunk/or you can rent one
  4. Towel
  5. Camera/Phone

Don't Carry:

  1. Expensive jewellery
  2. Expensive Watch
  3. Heavy cash


Instructions to Follow on Rides

A day well spent!

Instructions to Follow on Rides shadow

Instructions to follow on rides. A day well spent!

  • This day was one of the days where I let go of my fears of height and all kinds of public embarrassment and simply enjoy myself on rides, in water, eating candy and acting like a child.
  • Remembering the olden days. Getting away from the city.
  • Hyderabad's known for a lot of things and many simply lead to the corporate world. So it was very refreshing to come here and far from all that industrial vibe of the city and just revel in the little joys of life... Just like the childhood days.
  • I didn’t know what to expect out of Wonder La… until I came across the Trell app! It gave a great insight to everything in the amusement park and I knew exactly which rides were the best! It really helped me discover more places!


Do carry Don’t Carry

For your enjoyment and safety

Do carry Don’t Carry shadow

Do carry Don’t Carry

for your enjoyment and safety, there is already a dress code in that water park.

If you are visiting the amusement park wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Make sure you don't wear anything like a scarf or drapes and also avoid wearing too much of accessories. Make sure you tie your hair for the rides.

If you are visiting the water park carry bathing suit, a towel, sunscreen, sanitizer, wipes, sun shades, extra pair of clothes, extra waterproof bags to keep your wet clothes, shampoo, conditioner, body shower, comfortable shoes that you can wear in the water as well.

For both, the places carry some cash and camera with a selfie stick to capture the fun. And don't forget to carry water. Have fun!

To carry:

  1. Sunscreen
  2. Shades
  3. Swimming trunk/or you can rent one
  4. Towel
  5. Camera/Phone

Don't Carry:

  1. Expensive jewellery
  2. Expensive Watch
  3. Heavy cash


Facilities at Park

Facilities at Park

Facilities at Park

  • Stores are available to keep our belongings.
  • Swimwear’s are available to rent/ purchase at the stores near the changing rooms/locker at a nominal cost.
  • In the case of injuries / feels unwell, a first aid kit is available at the park.
  • ATMs are available near the park and entrance of the park.
  • provides separate Dress changing rooms for both jeans and ladies.

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